Gammaworkshops 2011
NKS-B GammaWorkshops
A series of linked workshops on gamma spectrometry, following up issues identified at the two GammaSem seminars, held in 2009 and 2010
26-28 of September 2011, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Roskilde, Denmark
The GammaWorkshops enables the users to address the problems in gamma spectrometry they find most pressing, through lectures and practical exercises in addition to sharing their experience with others in a similar position. It will be possible to attend all the sessions or just some of them.
The main sessions/topics are:
a) Monday, afternoon: Natural radionuclides, ½ day workshop
- A matter of understanding the Bateman equations for the natural decay chains
- Giving advice on problems when it comes to real measurements, especially for non-equilibrium cases
- Library tuning
b) Tuesday, morning: Matrix and absorption corrections, ½ day workshop, software specific, could mean parallel sessions
- Software specific (GV, Genie)
- Simulations (MCNP), efficiency transfer methods (ETNA, DECCA)
- Empirical corrections
c) Tuesday, afternoon: Uncertainties and detection limits, ½ day workshop
- A general GUM workshop with respect to laboratory gamma spectrometric measurements
- ISO standard for gamma spectrometry (ISO-11929:2010)
d) Wednesday: True Coincidence Summing corrections – 1 day workshop, to a large degree software specific, parallel session
- Software specific (GV, Genie)
- Overview of dedicated software
Information on reserving accomodation will be given here as it becomes available