GammaUser 2014

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Welcome to the GammaUser 2014 workshop page of the GammaWiki site. Here you will find information on an upcoming workshop on gamma spectrometry. We hope to see you there and we strongly encourage students and younger scientists to attend to this educational and entertaining seminar!

NOTE! We have posted a registration form here. Please click the link and fill out to register at your earliest convenience. Participants planning to take the introductory course on October 6th are especially encouraged to register early, as the course will only be offered given enough interest.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at

Time and place

The upcoming GammaUser 2014 workshop is scheduled to take place on October 7th-8th 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. Exact venue TBD. See the first announcement.

Inter-comparison exercise

You can download the exercise spectra here:

Registered participants will be able to download spectra and sign up for the sample measurements.


The program is under construction. We expect to start at 13:00 in the afternoon of Monday, October 6th, with an optional half-day introductory course on gamma spectrometry for beginners. The workshop itself starts in the morning of October 7th and closes at noon of October 8th.

tentative schedule

Monday, October 6th Template:Plainlist

Tuesday, October 7th Template:Plainlist

Introduction to gamma spectrometry

If there is interest in the community, we plan to offer, on October 6th, a half-day introduction class on gamma spectrometry for beginners. We can only plan this course if we know in advance how many students intend to participate. If you are interested in such a course, even tentatively, then please write us at

Invited speakers

We have invited two excellent lecturers to give talks on specific topics on gamma spectrometry.

  • Tim Vidmar
  • Marie-Christine Lepý

Analysis and feedback from inter-comparison exercises


Participant presentations

We encourage attendees to present their specific challenges that arise in their use of gamma spectrometry. We will foster a discussion to look for solutions and improvements.

Round table discussions

We anticipate to close the meeting with a session of open, round table discussions on anything one the participants' minds: (e.g. the future of gamma spectrometry in the Nordic region, recruitment, developments, equipment, software, certification, and the future of the seminar series).


We have posted a form here. Please click the link and fill out to register at your earliest convenience. Participants planning to take the introductory course on October 6th are especially encouraged to register early, as the course will only be offered given enough interest.

Travel Information

In time, this section will be updated with travel information for attendees. How to get there, where to stay, what to see, public transportation.

Student travel assistance

We would like to encourage participation from younger scientists and students of gamma spectrometry. The Nordic Nuclear Safety Research generously offers travel assistance to selected young scientists and students. Please see their page for details on how to apply.


In time, this section will be updated with information hotels and staying options near the seminar venue.

Who we are

This workshop is currently being organised by a working group consisting of:

  • Elisabeth Strålberg (IFE)
  • Henrik Ramebäck (FOI)
  • Óskar Halldórsson (IRSA)
  • Sven P. Nielsen (DTU)
  • Seppo Klemola (STUK).

Previous events

For information about our previous events, see our Past meetings page